Abolsky & Associates, P.A.

About Us

About Us

Abolsky & Associates, P.A. is more than just a law firm; we are a family-operated practice deeply rooted in the community of Homestead, Florida. Founded in 2013 by Jason Abolsky, Esq., our firm is built on the principles of trust, compassion, and unwavering dedication to our clients. When you choose us, you become part of our extended family, and we treat your legal concerns with the care and attention they deserve. With a commitment to excellence, a passion for justice, and a deep understanding of the law, we stand by your side, providing the shelter you need in the midst of life’s storms. As a local firm, we take pride in serving our community, and we look forward to continuing to make a positive impact for years to come.

Joana Doe


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Amanda Smith


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John Smith

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Our Experts

Meet the members of our team, experienced lawyers dedicated to their work!
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Sarah T. CEO & Founder, Essex Mortgage

Abolsky & Associates, P.A. provided me with exceptional legal support during a challenging time in my life. Their dedication and expertise are truly unmatched.

Michael L. Insurance Broker, Brashears Insuruance

I couldn't have asked for a better legal team. Jason Abolsky and his associates went above and beyond to ensure my case had the best possible outcome.

Jennifer M. CEO, SNG Accountants

The family-like atmosphere at Abolsky & Associates, P.A. made me feel comfortable from day one. Their caring approach combined with their legal prowess made all the difference.

Robert C. Owner, Joors Welding and Metal Service

I am grateful for the support I received from this firm. They handled my immigration case with precision and helped me achieve my dream of becoming a U.S. citizen.

Real Testimonials

Our clients are happy to commend our efforts
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